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Showing posts from February, 2016

Special "Leap Day" edition, 4 principals of Success!

Monday, February 29th, 2016 Happy Leap Day! I decided since today is a special day, I'd post an extra blog for the week. The following quote was texted to me this morning by a close friend and I thought it would be great motivation for everyone. Are you ready to leap into the life you want? Here are 4 principals of success that will help you get there. (By Jean Mathurin) Have a vision/ a goal. You have to know what you want to achieve in order to achieve it. Dream big, visualize it, write it down. (make a vision board)  Make a strategic strategy. The reason you don't want to make a plan is because plans fail. And sometimes you just have to keep changing your strategy until you find one that works. Remember Thomas Edison who said "I have not failed 1,000 times, I've found 1,000 ways that don't work." Don't give up, change your strategy. Take action. Execute your strategy. Take your 1st step. Sometimes the most difficult part of success is tak...

What makes you happy?

Sunday, February 28th, 2016 Today I'm going to share 10 things that make me happy. 1. When I'm with all 4 of my kids at the same time. Since my kids are all adults now, it's rare that they're all 4 with me at the same time. It's usually for holidays. I do see all of them often as they all live in the area, just not at the same time. All 4 of my kids together makes me happy. 2. Spending quality time with any one of my 4 kids. This happens more often with the girls, because what I call quality time is talking, sharing things, discussing life. The boys don't really do those things, lol. They tend to just talk about what's been going on and what plans are coming up. Quality time with one of my kids in any shape or form makes me happy. 3. A clean and organized house. This doesn't even have to be the whole house, it can be a drawer. I just love the feeling when I've cleaned and organized an area or space in my home. The whole house being done at th...

Work in progress and Networking questions

Sunday, February 21st, 2016 Major things accomplished this week which is a miracle in itself because the week was again really busy. Worked a little on my vision board, it's a work in progress at least. On Thursday I was in Leadership Prince William. For those of you who may not know what it is, here's a link so that you can check it out. Absolutely phenomenal program that I highly recommend to everyone. It's honestly the best thing I've ever been a part of. So, Thursday was our Heath and Human Services day. This couldn't have come at a better time because it really made me look more at charities in our area and gave me ideas to help figure out which charities I want to support. It's really difficult because if you have a charitable heart and mind, you want to help every single one you hear about. They're all so amazing and do so many good things that you'll find yourself thinking "I want to help them. Then yo...

Vision Board

This past week was super busy, as I posted on Wednesday. I'm still working on narrowing down my charities. In the meantime, as I've reviewed my notes from the Women's Conference, I have decided to focus this week on my vision board. I have the one from the workshop I took with Joan Jackson. I'm going to revisit what I put on it and add to it. I am going to focus specifically on my goals for this year, for the most part. And then, I'll have a section that is more focused towards long term goals that I can build on in the future. Do you have a vision board? Do you keep it up on the wall where you see it everyday or is it in the closet? Do you change it annually? I met a lady recently who told me that in the past, she made her vision boards based on what her friends were doing. For example, last year they were all putting up pictures of trips to Mexico, new cars, organized closets - so she did as well. She finally realized this year that just because her friends want...

When life finally works.

Sunday, February 7th, 2016 Where I'm at this week... Writing this blog has kept me conscious of what I'm doing, of where I'm at with my goals, and even keeps me focused on what I need to do each week. That's a big plus for me. So, with that being said, here's where things stand. I started reading one of the books I bought last week. "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. I'm taking my time reading it, as the book advises. My spiral notebook is keeping me on track with all of the tasks I need to do at home or at the office. I bought a new purse this weekend that will allow me to carry the spiral in my purse for meetings I attend. It's usually left in the car, which is why I have random notes to sort through. Overall, I'm doing well on most of my original goals. I need to still find blocks of time for my networking responsibilities and for my online presence. Maybe specific days that I work on those things, without setting specific tim...