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What makes you happy?

Sunday, February 28th, 2016

Today I'm going to share 10 things that make me happy.

1. When I'm with all 4 of my kids at the same time. Since my kids are all adults now, it's rare that they're all 4 with me at the same time. It's usually for holidays. I do see all of them often as they all live in the area, just not at the same time. All 4 of my kids together makes me happy.

2. Spending quality time with any one of my 4 kids. This happens more often with the girls, because what I call quality time is talking, sharing things, discussing life. The boys don't really do those things, lol. They tend to just talk about what's been going on and what plans are coming up. Quality time with one of my kids in any shape or form makes me happy.

3. A clean and organized house. This doesn't even have to be the whole house, it can be a drawer. I just love the feeling when I've cleaned and organized an area or space in my home. The whole house being done at the same time would be magnificent, however I can't imagine that happening until we move out someday. Clean and organized makes me happy.

4. Doing projects around the house... especially painting rooms and furniture. I love how painting a room can change the look completely. I also just love decorating a room in a new way. A new picture, new rug, rearranging things. DIY makes me happy.

5. Networking with my friends. I am blessed to belong to many different networking groups and have made many friends at each. Networking is less like work and more like hanging out with friends, even though we do work at helping each other out. Networking makes me happy.

6. Sharing my knowledge with others. I love brainstorming ideas with others that will help their business grow. I love teaching others about networking, about public speaking, about being comfortable with themselves, about anything I can help with. Helping others makes me happy.

7. I love learning! One of my very favorite aspects of networking is how much I learn. I learn from the people I meet, the speakers I hear, and I learn from myself what works and what doesn't. I always come into meetings thinking "Everyone knows something I don't! And I want to know what they know!" If you're one of those people who think you know it all, you're missing out on a lot. Learning makes me happy.

8. Spending times with my friends makes me happy. Whether it's my best friends from junior high days, my friends from business, my bunco friends from the area I live in, my walking buddy, my gym buddy. There's just something about girlfriends that fill the spaces nothing else can. We all get each other. We can act goofy, talk about anything, be ourselves. Spending time with my friends makes me happy.

9. Travel. I love going to new places, seeing new things. I think the best part of traveling is the quality time you spend with your travel companions, whether it's my husband, our friends, our kids, our family - there's no time more precious together than when you're traveling because you're in a special world together away from the normal day to day. Travel makes me happy.

10. Saving the best for last. My husband makes me the happiest. I've been through some terrible things in my past and because of that, I am thankful everyday for my husband. I appreciate how much he loves me, how much he does for me, the man that he is to my children, the man he is inside and out. I'm a pretty luck girl and being married to my husband makes me happy.

So there are 10 things that make me happy! I can think of many, many more but now I want to hear what makes you happy.

Copyright 2016


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