I had a friend come to one of my networking groups today, only to tell us that she's changing positions at work and will no longer be networking in her new position. Her logic was that she's been doing this for almost 18 months, spent a lot of money doing her various networking activities and she's only just started to see the results coming in. Ugghh... So frustrating because if she could only hang in there, I think she'd see the pay off. However, I'm not in her financial shoes, so I can't make her decisions. Here's the thing about networking. You can't give up! I hear about people giving up all the time. We live in a world of instant gratification and that's just not how networking works. Building relationships takes time. Be yourself, get to know people and build those relationships. I also believe you need to stay in a networking group for longer than a couple of months. I don't understand why people change their networking groups e...
This blog covers a wide range of topics. My personal life, my professional life, my thoughts, my decorating habits, my travel. Basically it's just random things about me that I think others can relate to in one form or another. MW