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As summer is finally winding down

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016

I blew it. I went almost a full month without posting in my blog. I did jump on here and jot down some ideas, however I didn't have the time to write a full post. I've decided to combine some of those posts into one blog called, "As summer is finally winding down."

We had a fabulous family vacation at the lake. Family, friends, good times, and great memories. The countdown for next year has already begun.

With all of my big vacationing behind me for the year, I'm re-energized and on the road to re-focusing on work.

I've had to speak at a couple different groups while home, in between all of my traveling and I managed to do them well. Sometimes I think it's easier to focus on getting something done when your time is limited. Now I have a speech coming up at the end of this month with endless time to prepare.... All I need is an idea of what to speak about. (Your ideas are welcome!!)

While I had several months of travel and juggling work, I found that the techniques I created at the beginning of the year to stay organized paid off. I didn't have a choice but to stay on top of everything and I was able to do that without much extra effort. I even received a huge compliment from a mortgage lender that refers me business. She stood up at a meeting and told everyone that I give better service when I'm on vacation than other agents who are down the street in their office.

My number one way to stay organized is folders. Folders, folders, and more folders. I keep folders with every clients information in them, their quotes, my notes, etc. Because I work from several different locations using different computers, I can take my folders with me everywhere I go. I also have folders with other labels, policy changes, billing work, carrier updates. It makes my life so much easier to take my work with me from place to place. I just throw my folders into my bag and go.

And finally, networking. I stayed on top of all of my networking groups, even with my absences. I gave up being the president at one of my groups, because I will be president of a different one come November and need to put my energy into that group. I'm excited for a change, but it's strange to let go of the other. I just have to trust that the new president can keep it running smoothly. I'm still a member, just no longer running the show. Running a networking group is a lot of responsibility, even with the help you get from others leaders and members of the group. I'm also still an Ambassador of the Chamber and that keeps me busy as well. As I redefine my networking goals, I'm going to write a couple of blogs based solely on networking. I hope everyone will benefit and give feedback. I love hearing other people's thoughts and ideas.

For now, I leave you with a picture of our lake....

Copyright 2016


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