I love twitter, I really do. However, sometimes 140 characters are not enough. Especially for your "about me" section. I keep mine about insurance, because that's what I do and I am very passionate about it. However, there are a lot of things I'm passionate about and they don't all fit on my page.
For that reason I thought I'd post a blog that tells you more about me, my passions and interests.
Here are thing things I am passionate about.... Love to read about, love to post about, love to learn about....
Fashion for women over 40. Love it. Love looking at clothes, trying on clothes, reading about fashion, looking at outfits other women are wearing. I receive so many fashion emails a day and I look at every single one.
Hair. I absolutely love reading articles and tips about hair. I don't know why because I don't do much with mine and I have no desire to do hair, but something about it fascinates me. My hairdressers is constantly telling me that I missed my calling. No thanks. Not interested, but love reading about the subject when an article catches my eye.
Do It Yourself (DIY). I love it. I love reading DIY blogs especially. They inspire me to see everything in a space differently. I've become much more creative because of DIY blogs. My favorite and easiest DIY is painting, whether it's walls or furniture. I love how a coat of paint changes everything. However those blogs, along with the help of Pinterest, inspired my kitchen that we remodeled ourselves (with the help of my brother) 4 1/2 years ago and we are currently getting ready to remodel 2 of our bathrooms.
While I'm mentioning Pinterest, I will say that I love Pinterest. I could do Pinterest for a living, but alas no one pays me for it, so I limit myself. However, Pinterest is definitely my google at times. I know I can find almost anything I'm looking for on there.
Along with the DIY and Pinterest, I love home decor. I love reading, looking at, and decorating my home. I love home stores, I love thrift stores that sell furniture, I even love yard sales when it comes to furniture and decor.
Organization. Hugely passionate about this. I love home organization, office organization, life organization. I love to read it, teach it, live it. And with all of that passion, I have a long way to go to get myself organized the way I'd like to be.
Minimalism. This is a subject I really enjoy reading about and would like to practice more than I do. I don't know how we end up with so many "things" in our life. And I want to find the inner strength to let some of those "things" go.
Health and Exercise. I've been a gym-goer for over 15 years now. Of course I've had my moments (ok months sometimes) of not being motivated. But for the better part of 15 years, I've gone. This is largely in part to the fact that I don't do diets. I've always been an eat what I want kind of girl and luckily I don't have a big appetite. However, with that being said, I am health conscious about what I eat to a point. I love reading about other people's health and fitness journey's. I love trying new things out and I'm always trying to figure out new ways to keep myself motivated.
Reading. I love reading. Unfortunately there are not always enough hours in the day to read, but I fit it in where I can, mainly while I'm drying my hair in the morning. I love finding out what other people are reading or have read and I love book lists.
Travel. I love reading about travel destinations. Where people are going, what they're doing there. I love looking at travel pics and dreaming about the places I still want to go. I also love looking back at my own travel pics because sometimes you go on a trip, you have fun, you take pics, you come home and life has a way of putting it all in the back of your mind. It's nice to look back and remember.
Humor. I love reading things that make me laugh. I probably laugh the most at the auto-correct text messages. I sometimes laugh so hard, I start crying. Anytime my day seems to be totally crazy or stressful, I try to take a moment and read something that makes me laugh. They're not hard to find with the internet always at our fingertips.
Quotes. I love reading, saving, posting quotes. Business quotes, life quotes, travel quotes. Quotes of all kinds.
Things I'm not interested in. Politics. Celebrities.
So what are your passions? I'd love to hear about them!
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