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What happened to November?

Is it really December? I truly believe that November of 2016 was the fastest month of my entire life. It was Halloween, I literally blinked and it was Thanksgiving. Now, one blink later it's already December.

The month of November was a blur. Work, networking, and my personal life were all on fast forward. December is heading in the same direction so far. The holiday parties and events are in full swing and new business is coming in as fast as every other month.

I had so many goals for 2016. Some I far exceeded, some still need work, some (like this blog) I neglected at times. I'm really looking forward to the last two weeks of December when things quiet down a bit and I am able to spend some time reflecting on the year, see what worked well, what needs work, and what didn't work at all. I'll also drill down my goals for the year ahead.

One of my long term goals was to bring in enough business to justify hiring an assistant. I was giving myself 3 years for that to happen. However, after one full year at my new office my bosses made the decision to do it this year. This will take a ton off my plate and allow me to reach further in 2017. We have now hired a full time account manager to assist me who starts this coming Monday. What's even better is that she's someone I used to work with, so I know she's amazing. We made a great team in the past and now I will have the freedom to make sure she reaches her full potential. We are both totally excited.

As I begin another new phase in my career, I will share some posts on leadership and working together. I've been reading a lot, as I aspire to be an inspirational part of the great team we are building at Brock Norton Insurance. My next couple of posts will be about evaluating last year's goals and setting next year's goals.

For today, I leave you with this parting thought....

Copyright 2016


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