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Showing posts from January, 2017

Stop Multi-Tasking Challenge 2 weeks in

Here's what I was thinking on day 1: I have already found one thing that causes me to multi-task and that is a slow website.... I am trying to do one thing at a time, working on a quote on an insurance companies website and it's taking literally 3 minutes for the next page to load. I can't just sit there and stare at the rotating hour glass, so I start reloading the page OR doing something else. Ugghhh. Trying to be patient. I just have such a hard time doing nothing. I wrote that while waiting for that page to load, so you can see how successful I was at that moment. I meant to follow up on this post after one week, however we were out of town visiting family last weekend so that didn't happen. I spent a second week focused on not multi-tasking and here I am. After two full weeks: I've learned that it takes time to retrain your brain. This was not a one week project, it will be an ongoing project. I have also learned that it's true, I do accomplis...

Multi-Tasking Experiment

I've decided it's time to tackle the problem I have of multi-tasking. It's on my list of goals, and I'm a huge multi-tasker, so I need to nip it in the bud right away!  I've read article after article about it and it seems that no matter what anyone thinks (including myself), multi-tasking doesn't work and it lessons your ability to get things done correctly by 40%. That's a lot. As I read other people's comments about how when multi-tasking they send emails and forget to attach the attachments, get distracted by phone calls and incoming emails, spend longer than necessary in meetings because they and others spend more time texting, checking emails, etc... than actually participating in their meeting and generally work their butts off all day only to feel like they didn't get anything done. I had my a-ha moment. "Welcome to my world."  Another good point is favor of not multi-tasking is that you really aren't multi-tasking, you'...

2016 My year in review

Well, 2016 is officially over. Overall I would say it was a fantastic year! There are things I would change, but for the most part it was wonderful. Looking back through my blog, my twitter account and my Instagram I was reminded of so many great memories from the year. Here's my list of top moments (both good and bad) 1.  Going to Paris with my daughter (and son for part of it). <3 2.  Going to the Bahama's with my husband for our 7th anniversary. <3 3.  Getting my teeth fixed. 4.  My cousin passing away at 43. 5.  Being a member of Leadership Prince William Class of 2016! 6.  So many fun bunco nights with girlfriends. 7.  Spring Vision Retreat with Andria Corso! 8.  Quality time with family. 9.  Fantastic networking events where I made new friends and strengthened my existing relationships. 10. A whole year of LOVING my job. The people I work with, the job I do, just everything about it! 11. Another succes...