Here's what I was thinking on day 1: I have already found one thing that causes me to multi-task and that is a slow website.... I am trying to do one thing at a time, working on a quote on an insurance companies website and it's taking literally 3 minutes for the next page to load. I can't just sit there and stare at the rotating hour glass, so I start reloading the page OR doing something else. Ugghhh. Trying to be patient. I just have such a hard time doing nothing. I wrote that while waiting for that page to load, so you can see how successful I was at that moment. I meant to follow up on this post after one week, however we were out of town visiting family last weekend so that didn't happen. I spent a second week focused on not multi-tasking and here I am. After two full weeks: I've learned that it takes time to retrain your brain. This was not a one week project, it will be an ongoing project. I have also learned that it's true, I do accomplis...
This blog covers a wide range of topics. My personal life, my professional life, my thoughts, my decorating habits, my travel. Basically it's just random things about me that I think others can relate to in one form or another. MW