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Stop Multi-Tasking Challenge 2 weeks in

Here's what I was thinking on day 1:

I have already found one thing that causes me to multi-task and that is a slow website.... I am trying to do one thing at a time, working on a quote on an insurance companies website and it's taking literally 3 minutes for the next page to load. I can't just sit there and stare at the rotating hour glass, so I start reloading the page OR doing something else. Ugghhh. Trying to be patient. I just have such a hard time doing nothing.

I wrote that while waiting for that page to load, so you can see how successful I was at that moment.

I meant to follow up on this post after one week, however we were out of town visiting family last weekend so that didn't happen.

I spent a second week focused on not multi-tasking and here I am.

After two full weeks:

I've learned that it takes time to retrain your brain. This was not a one week project, it will be an ongoing project.

I have also learned that it's true, I do accomplish soooooo much more when I do one thing at a time.

I still have days when I don't even realize I've slid back to my old ways until I think "Wow, I feel like I barely got anything done today."

It's a learning process and I have to remind myself constantly to finish what I'm doing. My mind is constantly moving so quickly that I struggle to keep up with it.

After two weeks I'm starting to catch myself. I'll be in the middle of something, I get up to scan a document, come back to my desk and while walking think of something else I need to do. I almost start to do it and then tell myself, "NO, finish what you're doing first."

So far the biggest help has been being mindful of what I'm doing.

The struggle is real! But I truly believe that when I master this, I will be more successful in every aspect of my life.

I would love any advice from someone who has mastered this OR even someone who is struggling with it like me. What helps you stay focused? How do you train your brain to slow down?

Copyright 2017


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