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Showing posts from February, 2017

The Benefits of Self-Discipline

Yesterday I talked about how important self-discipline is. Today I want to talk about the benefits of self-discipline. So what exactly happens when we are successful at disciplining ourselves? - We remain focused on our goals ... - We reach our goals - We become mentally stronger - We get more done - We become more productive and more efficient - We feel more self-confident because we've gotten more done and reached our goals This sounds like a win-win to me! # selfdiscipline # takecontrolofyourlife # loveyourlife # success MW Copyright 2017

Self Discipline

I spent last month writing posts on my FB page about Self-Discipline. I've gotten great feed back from people, so I've decided to post the same topic on my blog. If you've read these posts of my FB page, please read them again. Sometimes it takes reading something more than once for it to click. Here we go.... Self-discipline is important for every aspect of our life, from getting up and going to work on time every day, to exercising, to single-tasking at work, t o cleaning our homes, to everything else we do. When you find yourself procrastinating, you need self-discipline. When you find yourself ignoring your goals, you need self-discipline. When you find yourself not doing anything that you know you need or want to do, you need self-discipline. # selfdiscipline # success # lifeskills # lifehack # liveyourbestlife MW Copyright 2017

Stop Multi-tasking - 4 weeks down, a lifetime to go

I have been focused on the habit of not multi-tasking for 4 weeks now. It started as a one week experiment that just kept going. It's a learning process. It requires effort on my part to make a conscious decision to complete the one thing I'm doing before moving onto something else. But, it works! It's amazing how much more I get completed when I don't multi-task. I'm more organized, more thorough in what I'm doing and make less mistakes that I don't have to go back and fix later. Has anyone else given this a try? I'd love to hear how it's going for you. If not, there's no time like the present. Here's all it takes. MW Copyright 2017