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Showing posts from April, 2017

One way to get motivated

Today I'm going to tell you my biggest secret of how I get motivated.... You know, here it is, Sunday morning today I'm going to get xy and z done and ugghhh.... I just don't feel like getting started. Are you ready for my secret? Here it is. I look at Pinterest. I type in whatever it is I need to do and read people's posts about it. It could be cleaning, organizing, de-cluttering, painting, etc., I read a post (or 2) and boom, I'm motivated. It works every time. Typically when I look at Pinterest, I'm not able to do all of the things I read about and I feel so motivated to do them right at that moment, but, I'm in the car (with my husband driving) or I'm on my lunch break, etc.... But when I'm about to get started, it's the perfect time to read those posts and get myself in gear. PS. If you don't have Pinterest, you should get it OR you can just look on Google and find similar posts. HOWEVER, be warned that Pi...

Make it a priority to get a good night's sleep!

When there are days/weeks/months/years that you have all of these plans and things you want/need to get done, sleep is usually one of the first things to go. We stay up late trying to get things done, we wake up early to get things done or simply because we have kids to take care of or a job to go to. And before we know it, our bodies have gotten used to 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night. Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep and you'll find that you are more focused and productive during the day. You're mind is sharper, it's easier to stay on task and you'll get more accomplished. If you have trouble falling asleep, there are many things you can do to help you with that. Yoga or just stretching all over before bed. White noise machines Meditation Take a shower right before bed using lavender scented body wash There are many online resources to help you find many more ways to fall asleep faster. My husband will tell you that I fall asleep faster than anyone he h...

It's really ok to take a break

Sometimes when you're not motivated it's because your literraly burnt out. And that's ok. When you've been doing too much for too long, it's ok to take a break. However, before you start that break, write down some of the things you're going to do after the break.. This helps to keep the things you want to do at the top of your mind without feeling guilty that you're taking a break. So what do I mean by taking a break? It can be ... in any form you desire and/or can afford. We'd all love our break to be a long vacation to someplace we really want to go, but it can be as simple as taking a walk or even spending an entire weekend binge-watching your favorite shows. Just make sure it's a plan and that you know when you've had you're break, you're going to start on that "thing" you've been putting off. MW Copyright 2017

Let's start by decluttering our time

What keeps us from being motivated and self-disciplined when we know we need or want to do something, but we just can't force our self to do it? You know, those days when you literally don't have the energy to even start. Unfortunately there is no quick fix for everyone. We're all different. We're in different places in our lives with different circumstances. There is no one magic wand that we can wave to fix it. Fortunately it's good to know we are not alone. Most people fe el this way at some time or another. And because of that, there are many solutions. Some will work for you, some won't. Hopefully in reading these posts or even the quotes I've attached, something will resonate with you.   Take a moment to think about your life.   What is holding you back?   Are you too tired, too busy, too overwhelmed?   Keep in mind that I'm not trying to motivate you to do something you don't want to do. I'm talking about helping y...