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Showing posts from January, 2018

Some firsts for the year!

There've been 5 days in January.  Here are my firsts so far. 1st week going to the gym this year. 1st week being irritated with my husband. We're usually pretty good, but human. And, he can be pretty irritating. =) 1st massage of the year. Yeah!! Love bi-weekly massages. 1st week in my new office. Loving it more than I expected. 1st week of working on my goals for 2018 in which Deb & I have started working with Lara Casey. 1st child of mine's birthday of the year (Happy 23rd Birthday Caitlin - today!) 1st time I watched my son, Andrew, open his Christmas and Birthday presents via face time while he's in New Zealand (He has always been home for Christmas.) 1st Friday of the year (TGIF!) That's all I can think of for now. Hope everyone has a great weekend! MW Copyright 2018

Happy New Year 2018!

Well, it's been a long time since I have posted a blog. I have a few drafts.... but never got around to finishing them. Blogging is really hard and I give props to those who keep up with it daily or weekly. 2017 was an amazing year. I was blessed in so many ways. My kid's are all doing great, all healthy and happy. My marriage to the love of my life is thriving, we work hard at it and make it the best it can be. After my hubby's motorcycle accident in March of 2017, I am happy to end the year with both of us having a clean bill of health. My job is better than I could ever have dreamed, I love the people I work for and with, and I have been extremely swamped with new business. We traveled a lot this year, sometimes short trips and sometimes long ones, but always had a fantastic time! Our friendships are thriving. It's hard to spend time with all of our friends the way we would like, but we've squeezed in as many as we could and will continue to do so this year. ...