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Happy New Year 2018!

Well, it's been a long time since I have posted a blog. I have a few drafts.... but never got around to finishing them. Blogging is really hard and I give props to those who keep up with it daily or weekly.

2017 was an amazing year. I was blessed in so many ways. My kid's are all doing great, all healthy and happy. My marriage to the love of my life is thriving, we work hard at it and make it the best it can be. After my hubby's motorcycle accident in March of 2017, I am happy to end the year with both of us having a clean bill of health. My job is better than I could ever have dreamed, I love the people I work for and with, and I have been extremely swamped with new business. We traveled a lot this year, sometimes short trips and sometimes long ones, but always had a fantastic time! Our friendships are thriving. It's hard to spend time with all of our friends the way we would like, but we've squeezed in as many as we could and will continue to do so this year.

In the past, my December was a slower month where I could get organized, reflect on the past year, and make my goals for the coming year. December of 2017 was not that way at all. Those things were in the back of my mind, but will be delegated to January 2018. I had as much new business as every other month, I co-chaired a major Chamber event at the beginning of December, I spoke at two of my networking groups, and on top of all of that, my office moved locations the last week of December (We haven't even unpacked yet.) Add to that the normal getting ready for the holidays, family events, some travel with friends... the entire month flew by! If you know me, you know I'm a gym rat, even that was sporadic during the month of December. I'm looking forward to getting back into routine this month.

I read over my goals for 2017 today and though I missed a couple, like keeping up with this blog, I did pretty good on most of them.

I'm going to end this post thanking the people who impacted my life on a regular basis in 2017.

First and foremost, always my husband. He loves me unconditionally and goes out of his way to show it. Marriage isn't always perfect, but we are good more often than not. I love that he knows me so well and can navigate my moods with ease. He cheers on all my victories and encourages me in all of my endeavors. He is truly my ride or die. <3

To my bosses, Everett and Jimmy - I couldn't work for better people. I can't say enough about the integrity and character of these two. They support me 100% and recognize the work I do.

To my assistant at work, Stacy! There are not enough words to convey how blessed and thankful I am to have her. She knows her job inside and out. Never has there been a better woman who is dependable, trustworthy, and an all around team player. I couldn't accomplish all I do without her.

To those who have been my gym partners over the last year. Always my hubby! Edwin, my trainer for the first half of last year. My daughter Caitlin always ready to go work out with me, at home or the gym. Kris who meets me at O'Dark thirty to workout before work. And Deb who meets me after work for workouts.

To Mary at FireMountain Wellness who has given me massages bi-weekly for more than a year. Thank you for relieving my stress, aches, and pains and for being a great friend!

To Deb & Jamie (aka Linea del Fuego, the Fuego to our Blanco) - you have become our best friends, our confidants, our travel buddies, our partners in crime. Life wouldn't be the same without you.

To all my family, friends, networking buddies, colleagues, customers, bunco partners,
instapeeps, snapchat friends, fbbuddies, you make my life complete! <3  I wish you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2018!

Red Rock Canyon, Las Vegas, NV, October 2017, celebrating hubbies 50th birthday! <3 

Copyright 2018


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