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Re-evaluating Social Media in my life

What is the purpose of social media in your life?

This is the question I've been pondering for a while now. What do each of these outlets bring to me, give to me, or help me with?

Snap Chat

So many people say they're using social media for their business, while others say you have to be using social media for your business. I believe that's true in some businesses - especially if you're selling a product like t shirts, jewelry, weight loss plans, or other tangible items. But, I'm not sure which really help in the service and intangible industries. With that said, I'm an insurance agent. I sell a piece of paper that gives you piece of mind and aggravation because you are obligated to buy it. Is anyone really interested in reading blogs or articles about insurance? Even insurance humor is mainly funny to insurance people. So where does that leave me with my posts? I have used it in a mostly personal form, so that people get to know something about who I am beyond an insurance agent.

I've heard over and over to go where your customers and/or target clients are, but where are they and how do you determine what is working and what isn't?

Here's my take on it all.

Facebook is the most real to me. I try really hard to only connect with people who are family, friends, customers and or people who request me because we've met at a networking event. I get the most feedback  both personally and online from my Facebook posts. These are where my real people are. And when I link a picture from another site, such as Instagram to Facebook, I get the most Instagram like on those pictures - which means the likes are really coming from Facebook. However Facebook is one of my least favorite sites because I get overwhelmed with so much information, events, invites, reading peoples stories, responding to messages, reading peoples comments, looking at all of the forums I'm involved in pages I manage, and so on. It's too time consuming. I won't delete Facebook, however, because as I said in the beginning, this is where my family and friends are at.

Twitter is easy to post in, but I barely know anyone I follow or who follows me, therefore I rarely read any posts on Twitter, unless I'm searching for a specific topic or story. So, my thought is, what is the point? Am I getting business from Twitter? I highly doubt it. But, it's so easy to use. I post way more to Twitter (and Instagram) than I do to Facebook. Maybe it's because I feel more anonymous and not like I'm trying to brag about my life. And sometimes I just want to post a one liner like "Oh how I love ginger cookies!"   ðŸ˜ƒ (Maybe I will try that on Facebook and see what happens.)

Instagram is one of my favorite social media sites, because posts are short and sweet - AND - I don't get caught up in comments. There are quotes I like to read and pictures of clothes, people I know, and real life stuff without too much drama. I like posting pictures there, more for myself - because I like looking back at my year in an easy format. BUT - as I said earlier, most of my friends and family either aren't on Instagram or have an account, but don't look at it often or ever. Is there a point beyond my own enjoyment? I don't believe this is bringing me business either, since again, most of my followers don't know me in real life. AND the ones that do, are also my friends on Facebook.

Snap Chat is for fun and mainly for my kids. What I do like is I know everyone who follows me and who I follow in real life. My kids are on it and are the reason I have it. They post more to snap chat than to anywhere else. I also love that I can see them all on the map and see where they're at each day. This is especially helpful with my son who is traveling, because he could be anywhere on any given day. It's also fun when we're all together to see the map of us - AND I love the funny pictures that my hubby and I send to each other. This isn't business related at all, it's only for fun - and while I look at it daily to see my kid's posts - I don't use it often myself.

Pinterest is like my Google. I use it to look up pretty much everything from vacation ideas, clothing, hair, recipes, etc... There is no end. It's fun as long as you don't get sucked in for hours at a time. I mainly use it when I'm looking something up and/or when I'm in the car and my hubby is driving.

LinkedIn is definitely business related. Since it's kind of an online resume, I get a lot of job offers and/or head hunters reaching out. However, I've gotten business from it and have had past clients find me on it. I also talk to friends on there, as well as company reps. I think as far as business goes, I probably don't put enough effort into posting on it, but I do have a good page setup. Most of my contacts on this site are friends, family, business acquaintances, former and current co-workers. Though I do have a few that have connected with me because we're in the same industry and/or because we would be good referral partners and have mutual friends.

Alignable is very similar to LinkedIn, except that they email you A LOT. They have questions you can answer and they try to connect you with people in your business area. I think they are a lot more interactive than LinkedIn, but unfortunately were beat to the business page game and I'm not sure they will ever be as popular as LinkedIn. I do have a page set up and have also gotten business from it. New business, referral connections, as well as past clients have also found me here.

So, what does all of this mean? I haven't really come up with a solid answer. I think about stopping with Twitter and Instagram, but they'r easy and I typically link one to the other.

Another reason to stop Instagram is that I've cut down on taking pictures in every day life and time with friends. I've been putting my phone away and just enjoying the days/nights with the people in my life. I don't feel the need to post every thought I have, every dinner I eat, or every activity I do. I do want to share my thoughts on life and how I'm doing things and/or thinking about things in hopes that someone else can relate. (Maybe YOU've been contemplating social media in your life as well.) This blog is the answer to that.

I will continue using SnapChat for my kids and fun. Pinterest will stay in my life as long as it's around. I will also keep LinkedIn and Alignable - as they actually are business related and have generated business. Will I post more to them? I'm not sure.

Facebook is my biggest issue because these are the people I know in real life and who know me, therefore I have to keep it. BUT, I hate how everyone thinks that people have a perfect life, because we all only post our perfect moments. I've had several people comment to me that my life is "perfect" and I felt like I'd been slapped. Whoa - My life is far from perfect! Don't get my wrong, I am extremely happy, but I've gone down some long horrific roads to get here. And even though I'm happy - that doesn't mean I don't get irritated with family or friends (or they with me.) It doesn't mean I don't get frustrated with myself. My mission this year has been to reach women and let them know that they're not alone. That everyone feels like everyone else has a perfect life, but guess what? No one does. And all of this leaves me fearful of posting a lot on Facebook where my real life peeps will get the idea that my life is all that and a bag of chips, when really I'm not different from anyone else. I have my ups and downs. I may travel more than most, but that's because it's a priority to my husband and myself. I am happy to sit down with anyone and show them how to make it happen -how to make a travel plan and budget. But, while that's something I'm good at, there are many other things I'm not good at. Traveling doesn't make my life perfect, its just one thing that makes me happy and happiness is not the same for everyone. Both of my parents hate to travel.

I'm not sure where this leaves me with Facebook. I hate for everyone to think I've dropped off the earth at times - so where is the balance?

Has anyone else given this some thought and if so, have you come up with a solution?

Copyright 2018


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