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The definition of slander

I was recently informed by a colleague that people from my previous employer are giving out false information about me. I figured it's time to set the record straight.

  • Lie #1. I wasn't selling new business. Before you spout such lies, you should probably remember that I was in the top 10 personal lines producers in the country and in fact won a trip to Miami with the other 9. This is a national company with many locations. Pretty sure no one else in my former office was in the top 10 of anything.

  • Lie #2. I wasn't a team player. If by team player you mean willing to screw over my customers by giving them low coverage and high deductibles just to give them a lower price and therefore write their business OR if you mean by pointing out that new members of our team were not being trained OR if you mean by giving specific & detailed examples to management and HR of how our company was at risk for law suits due to errs and omissions being done by someone they hired who doesn't know the first thing about insurance, then yes, possibly. Although I offered to train and correct all of the above situations, but was advised that it wasn't my job.
I believe my customers are first, their welfare and well being are my number one priority and I will not write someone's insurance and then ignore them when they call in needing help, have questions, or problems. And since I was told that I couldn't help customers in any way, shape, or form, I was obviously working at the wrong place. In fact, I was getting physically ill working in that environment.

The company I worked for was a good company. In fact, they trained me to be the producer I am today with the values I have. Unfortunately they hired people to manage who don't have those same values and shame on them, they stopped paying attention. They should heed their own words "No big mistakes." They're making them and the repercussions are coming.

Note: The definition of Slander is defined as "Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation. A false and malicious statement or report about someone." Keep that in mind since it's unethical, unprofessional, oh and illegal.

As for me, I found a place that has the same values that I do. Our customers are our number 1 priority and because of my integrity, my referrals from customers, as well as my networking partners continue to grow at such a fast pace, I was able to hire and train an assistant to make sure our customers continue to receive the excellent service they deserve.

So the next time you want to make up lies about me, get your facts straight or at least come up with something plausible.

For all of your personal insurance needs, you can find me here:

Copyright 2017


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