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Showing posts from March, 2017

Finding motivation

I've learned through years of being a gym goer and years of working at a gym, that motivation doesn't always come from picturing the end results that you want I tried for years to figure out how to motivate the women I worked with to come in regularly. More often than not I found that people will do more to avoid feeling bad than they will to feel good. The trick is to figure out how to make that work for you. For many of my clients, it was that they hated to receive that phonecall from me, asking where they were. They wanted to make a doll with a pull string of my voice that said "go to the gym now!" lol. My next couple of posts will be about finding the motivation that helps you stick to your self-discipline. # selfdiscipline # motivation # liveyourbestlife # lifehacks # lifequotes MW Copyright 2017

Winning the self-discipline fight!

The quote above touches on my last blog post and on something that I have found totally works for me when I do it. Unfortunately I don't do it often enough and it's something I'm working on. Scheduling your time/time blocking. If you make time to do something every day, it eventually get's done. For example, you could spend an entire day doing laundry - Or you could decided to do one load every day. Wash it, dry it, fold it, and put it away. Done. You've accomplished something today. Sometimes t he idea of getting 10 loads done is overwhelming, so break it up when you can. If you have a book you really want to start reading, but keep putting it off, commit to reading it xx minutes each day. Even if it's only 10 minutes, it will add up at the end of the week. You might even find yourself reading it longer when you get into it. Once you get started by forcing yourself to just do a small amount of something you've been putting off, you'll...


Ok, so we know what we want, and we know how it will change our life, so why don't we already have it? This is a BIG one. Because we PROCRASTINATE! Yes we, you, me, everyone procrastinates about something at some time. It's human nature. However, keep in mind that when we put things off it reinforces our negative habits. It keeps us stuck in a place we don't want to be. On top of that it makes things really seem worse than they are. Have you ever stressed about making a phone call? Even for something simple, like the cable bill came in wrong. You get the bill, you think "I'll call tomorrow, first thing." First thing tomorow comes and you think "I'll call after I do x,y & z." Those things are done and it becomes after lunch. After lunch so many other things need to be done. Before you know it the day is over. Ok, so I'll call tomorrow. And it weighs on you all week, sometimes for several weeks, until you finally make the call, w...

How would self discipline benefit you?

Picture your life a year from now if you actually accomplished the things on your list. How would this benefit your life? Seriously, just stop, close your eyes and imagine a year from now. For the past year you have ______. (Fill in the blank with something from your list.) # selfdiscipline # livingyourbestlife # lovingyourlife # happiness # workhard # besuccessful

Building Self-Discipline; Step 1

So how do we build self-discipline? First we figure out where we need self-discipline in our life. What are the areas in your life that you are struggling with? These are usually things you want to do, but for some reason you don't do them. Here are some ideas. Exercising, cooking meals, laundry, networking, de-cluttering, organizing your desk at work, yoga, meditation... the list could go on and on. Think about your list for a minute. Now, write down 2 or 3 things that you know you want to do, but keep putting off. These are things that you know would make an impact in your life. Now, next to each item, write down why you're not doing them AND why you want to do them. # selfdiscipline # lifehack # gettingstuffdone # liveyourbestlife  #jimrohnquote MW Copyright 2017