Ok, so we know what we want, and we know how it will change our life, so why don't we already have it?
This is a BIG one.
Because we PROCRASTINATE! Yes we, you, me, everyone procrastinates about something at some time. It's human nature.
However, keep in mind that when we put things off it reinforces our negative habits. It keeps us stuck in a place we don't want to be.
This is a BIG one.
Because we PROCRASTINATE! Yes we, you, me, everyone procrastinates about something at some time. It's human nature.
However, keep in mind that when we put things off it reinforces our negative habits. It keeps us stuck in a place we don't want to be.
On top of that it makes things really seem worse than they are.
Have you ever stressed about making a phone call? Even for something simple, like the cable bill came in wrong. You get the bill, you think "I'll call tomorrow, first thing." First thing tomorow comes and you think "I'll call after I do x,y & z." Those things are done and it becomes after lunch. After lunch so many other things need to be done. Before you know it the day is over. Ok, so I'll call tomorrow. And it weighs on you all week, sometimes for several weeks, until you finally make the call, which takes all of 5-10 minutes to straighten out and then your DONE! And the RELIEF is incredible.
Now why in the heck didn't you do that on day 1?
#selfdiscipline #stopprocrastinating #lifechoices #life #happieness #whenyoulearnyougrow #dosomethingnew
Have you ever stressed about making a phone call? Even for something simple, like the cable bill came in wrong. You get the bill, you think "I'll call tomorrow, first thing." First thing tomorow comes and you think "I'll call after I do x,y & z." Those things are done and it becomes after lunch. After lunch so many other things need to be done. Before you know it the day is over. Ok, so I'll call tomorrow. And it weighs on you all week, sometimes for several weeks, until you finally make the call, which takes all of 5-10 minutes to straighten out and then your DONE! And the RELIEF is incredible.
Now why in the heck didn't you do that on day 1?
#selfdiscipline #stopprocrastinating #lifechoices #life #happieness #whenyoulearnyougrow #dosomethingnew
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