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Organizing your notes, thoughts, lists....

Sunday, April 24th, 2016

Wow! I survived this past week. That in itself is a miracle. It was an extremely busy week for me with full on networking, Leadership Prince William all day Thursday, and a Spring Vision Retreat all day Friday. At the end of the week, I was finally released by my doctor to exercise again, so first thing Saturday morning, one of my exercise buddies and I were up and out. I spent the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon, working around the house. We're now getting my son's bedroom ready to be painted and purging a lot of things from the house in my effort to get rid of the clutter. Today we're heading to Maryland to spend time with friends, so I need to get my blog posted before we leave.

Today, I wanted to talk about an app that Kerry Thomas, the owner of "Conquer the Chaos LLC" told me about last week. I'll start with my question to her. I have a folder full of papers that have notes from various meetings, as well as spiral notebooks with notes in them as well. I want to be able to refer to these notes on a regular basis as needed, but don't know how to organize them. She had the same problem and told me how she solved it with this app. The app is called workflowy. She showed me how her's is set up to give me ideas on how to use it myself. Here's what I've done.

I've set up a section for personal and one of business. So far these are the notes I've set up.

In the personal notes I have lists for various vacations we have planned, painting information, decorating notes, thoughts, ideas, quotes, lists of books I want to read. 

In the business notes I have lists for notes from meetings separated by the subject and who the speaker was, work quotes, blog post notes, FB posts, twitter posts, linked in info. 

When you download workflowy, watch the videos that pop up to show you how the app works. They're all really short but informative. 

I like using my computer to type in my notes from meetings. Sometimes my notes are not even from the meeting I was in, they're just things that pop into my mind during a meeting that I don't want to forget. Have you ever been in a meeting and someone says something that triggers a completely different thought, something that's crossed your mind before and then you forgot? So, you quickly write it down on whatever paper, agenda, or whatever you can. Those are the random notes I have in my folder along with my meeting notes. 

It's so great having all of my notes in one place. This past week someone asked me about something from a past meeting. I was able to pull up the app to find the information instantly. I looked and felt super-efficient.  =) 

I'm not using the app to put information in during a meeting. I still like taking notes. With my visual learning style, the act of writing the notes, then later reading and typing the notes, really helps to cement the information into my mind.

I hope this helps other's to organize all of those notes and ideas you have. By the way, I'm not using this to keep track of meetings or things to do... those things are still on my calendar or my paper to do list. I'm just using it for ideas, thoughts, things I don't want to forget. If you have any questions or thoughts, let me know. And if you try the app, I'd love to hear what you think about it. 

Until next time.

Copyright 2016


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