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Traits of Organized People

Organized people are more productive in the workplace and at home. Here's how to tell if you have the traits of an organized person. And don't worry if you don't, you can change your habits and become more organized. I personally have many of the traits, but the ones I don't have are ones I'm working on.

Here are 14 traits of organized people by Sarah Klein.

Organized People are:

  1. Goal Orientated: They tend to look at the big picture.
  2. Optimistic: They trust that things will work out.
  3. Conscientious: They do things to make life more efficient by thinking ahead.
  4. Decision Makers: They make a decision and stick with it.
  5. Not always be open to new ideas: Because they tend to stick with the decisions they've made, they will sometimes restrict themselves from being open to new ideas.
  6. Able to let go of perfectionism: The only way to get things done is to not worry about everything being perfect.
  7. Good at: Capture, Calendar, Contain: Make a list, keep track of things on a calendar, organize with baskets, buckets, and containers.
  8. Able to effectively manage their to do lists: Just the habit of making and using to do lists, frees up the brain because you're not wasting mental energy trying to remember things.
  9. Less likely to procrastinate: The reason is they'd rather do something now so that don't have to worry about it later. 
  10. Better prepared: When given a deadline, organized people tend to give themselves enough cushion to get it done even when something unexpected comes up.
  11. Able to ask for help: The delicate, share the load, ask for help. 
  12. Unitaskers: They realize that focusing on getting one task done correctly works much better than multi-tasking.
  13. Able to plan their day according to when they're the most productive: They realize their brain needs a break at 2 pm in the afternoon, therefore they don't plan a creative marketing meeting at that time. 
  14. Mindful of stress: To stay focused and organized, they learn to manage their stress with yoga, mediation, mindfulness, or any other number of activities that allow time to unwind. 
What traits do need to work on? Did this list give you insight? 

Copyright 2016


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