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How my organization goals are helping me get it all done.

Sunday, March 20, 2016
The first day of Spring! And 37 degrees this morning. Really?

As predicted last Sunday, I had a hectic week. However, because of my new organization strategies, I was able to keep up with everything I needed to and ended Friday feeling pretty great with all I accomplished through the week. I left my office right on time at 4:30 pm. I had Bunco on Friday night which is always a great way to end the week. Talking, laughing, drinking wine, and of course playing Bunco (sometimes.)

I am so happy with how my organization is progressing. It's not a perfect science yet, but it's definitely keeping me on track and helping me get things done. I'm finding that my evenings are beginning to become my own again. I can spend them with my husband, family, and friends and not feel guilty because I didn't get something done. It's amazing what a little organization can do for you. Especially because I feel so much more put together.

At one of my networking groups this past week, I spoke about the "Journal" application that I'm using to take pictures and keep track of what I wore each day to which meetings, etc. All the men in the room had blank stares on their face. Crickets! No clue what I was talking about. But every single woman in the room said "I think about that every morning and try to figure out what I wore last week." Once the men got it, they were pretty much like "We don't care if we wear the same outfit everyday for a month." LOL! The differences between men and women.... I haven't spoken to one women about this who hasn't said "Oh my goodness, I do that! I need that app!" I hope someone who has read my blog has been able to use the idea as well. I'd love to hear your feedback in the comments below.

On Thursday, I had Leadership Prince William (LPW). I can't say enough good things about this organization. The program was designed to help you develop personal and professional leadership skills and to use those skills to help make our community a better place. I have learned so much and developed such great friends through this program. Once you're a part of LPW, you're a part of it for life. You have relationships that will last a lifetime, not only with your class, but with all LPW Alumni. However, I must say, the Class of 2016 is like none ever seen! If you're interested in more information, check out the website at where you can apply to be a part of the Class of 2017. Also check out the Youth leadership program that runs during the summer.

This weekend my husband I have been busy painting my office. I am moving from one office to another and I decided to paint before I move in. We got everything sanded, cleaned, and ready to paint. Put down plastic, and got the first coat done yesterday. Today we'll be going back to get the second and final coat done. I so excited to see it completed and get myself situated in my new office. I feel like a kid. I guess that's because I love painting and decorating so much.

So that was my week. This week will be a normal week, maybe a little slower than some weeks due to spring break. Hopefully spring break will also contribute to  traffic being lighter. My goal this week is to just keep up with my organization which will extend into my work office. Since I'm moving everything I will have the chance to change anything that wasn't working. I'll take pictures and post them sometime soon.

I'd love hear what your goals are for the week!

Wishing you all another amazing week.




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