You too can become a victorious goal setter
What are goals all about anyways? You can set personal goals and business goals, or they can be one in the same. Often our business goals are a path to meeting our personal goals. Other times, one has nothing to do with the other.
I believe that whether your goal is to lose 10 pounds, or go to the gym 3x week regularly, or increase your annual sales $xx.xx that there are really simple steps you can take to set your goals and reach them.
What are the steps that we need to take to set goals and reach them?
What are goals all about anyways? You can set personal goals and business goals, or they can be one in the same. Often our business goals are a path to meeting our personal goals. Other times, one has nothing to do with the other.
I believe that whether your goal is to lose 10 pounds, or go to the gym 3x week regularly, or increase your annual sales $xx.xx that there are really simple steps you can take to set your goals and reach them.
What are the steps that we need to take to set goals and reach them?
- Choose goals! What motivates and excites you? People, books, trips, losing weight, saving money?
- Now pick 3-7 big things for your long term goals (not 20) - these are for 10 years out.
- Next pick 1-3 short term goals for the next year. Do not stress out over these goals. They're not set in stone. They can be updated/changed.
- After each goal, write out what you'll need to do, in order to accomplish that goal (Broken down into monthly, weekly, daily tasks.)
- Put your goals on your calendar. Another great way to focus on your goals is to put them on a vision board or in a vision book. If you see your goals regularly, you will remember them and work towards them.
- Once you've set your goals, make sure you're reviewing them regularly. Spend 1 hour per week. Spend several hours quarterly, and spend 1 day annually. This is time for you to really look, not only at your goals but also at your processes in place to reach your goals. Figure out what's working and what isn't. Re-evaluate, re-adjust, and re-frame what you're doing.
- Don't give up too soon. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb on his 1001 try. What if he had given up at 1000? I love this picture below! It's another great reminder not to give up.
- And finally, don't forget your rewards! This is going to depend on what your goals were. If your goal was to lose weight, your reward for succeeding will likely be buying new clothes. If your goal was to save money for a trip, your reward will be the trip. You get the idea. Be creative and remember, you are worth it!
Just some ideas to get you started.... Let me know what you come up with!
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